There are several council positions offered at Trinity. This can be a great way to share your talents in a way that helps keep the church running. All positions are volunteer positions and elections are held annually for various positions (most of which last for two years, though several of these positions are staggered for the sake of continuity). Council meets once a month at Trinity at 7 p.m. on the second Sunday of the month, excluding summer months when meetings are suspended. If you are interested in either serving on council or helping out with any of the areas represented by council, please contact the church office of any of the current members shown below.
Congratulations to the 2023 Council Members list below:
Congratulations to the 2023 Council Members list below:
Church Council - Current Members:
President: Treasurer: Social Ministry: Financial Secretary: Worship & Spiritual Life: Parish Education: High School Youth Ministry: Property Committee: Outreach: Recording Secretary: |
Reverend Douglas Hoag
Gary Purnell Tim King Tammy Doerrer Ed Tatro & Diane Sewing Michelle Buell & Beth Parker Christina Kipper Rex Toepke & Steve Tomany Mike Gardner & Bob Jackman Jennifer Kojro-Badziak |