Youth Ministries
TLC Youth Group News and InformationLooking to make new friends? Looking for fun activities? It's time to join the Youth group! Starting this Fall the Youth Group will meet monthly for dinner. What a great opportunity to form friendships and make plans for exciting things to do. This is for grades 7th- 12th. Kick off will be Sunday September 8th. at 5 pm prior to confirmation class and will continue the second Sunday of each month. Can't wait to see you! As always, bring a friend.
The 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering will take place in New Orleans July 19-23, 2025. There will be an informational meeting for all interested high school students (9th-12th) and their parents on September 8th at 4pm.
BUY RAISERIGHT GIFT CARDS (formerly ShopWithScrip) – Do you go to Starbucks, shop at Target or Jewel, etc.? Then, why not purchase a gift card for yourself ahead of time or as a gift! A portion of the proceeds go to our high school youth. It costs you only the face value of the gift card. It’s a win, win! There are forms with the full list of participating stores outside of the Pastors office, or you can learn more at Any questions contact Angie at [email protected] or 815-228-4902. Thank you so much to all our current and newbie participants, we greatly appreciate your support!
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our efforts! Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our efforts! Your generosity is greatly appreciated!