Summer Usher Schedule
Summer Usher Schedule: First of all, thanks to all the ushers who have given their time and services for our regular and special worship services throughout the church year. Beginning May 28th, we will return to Summer Worship Schedule with only one Sunday service at 9am. As in the past, I have scheduled the 9am worship service persons to be the main ushers for summer services. The regular 10:30 ushers, on their scheduled Sundays, would serve as reserve backups.
Summer Ushers please, if you are not available to usher on your Sunday arrange with the backup person, so that all services are covered with two ushers. Thanks again and know that you are much appreciated.
Dr. Edward A. Tatro, Worship and Spiritual Life, Co-Chair
Summer Ushers please, if you are not available to usher on your Sunday arrange with the backup person, so that all services are covered with two ushers. Thanks again and know that you are much appreciated.
Dr. Edward A. Tatro, Worship and Spiritual Life, Co-Chair